As the home of architecture from the renowned Louis Sullivan (known as the “father of skyscrapers”), global corporate headquarters, a newly constructed high school (funded generously, in part, by private and corporate donations), and the largest free fair in Minnesota, one might naturally assume Owatonna holds a distinguished and well-known status in the Twin Cities area.
However, despite these impressive attributes, the city found itself still vying for the recognition it rightfully deserved. Establishing a robust and genuine brand presented itself as a crucial opportunity to leave an indelible and resonant impression on the Twin Cities region.
Owatonna’s advantages are as plentiful as its charm: a prime spot along a major interstate corridor; strong relationships with the private sector and the corporations that are headquartered here; proximity to both the Twin Cities as well as Rochester, home of the globally renowned Mayo Clinic. Plus, it hosts Minnesota’s biggest free county fair, pulling in crowds of thousands every summer.
But the story of Owatonna still wasn’t being told past a certain radius. The folks here are humble and hardworking, not ones to brag. As one resident so aptly put it: “If Owatonna went to a party, we would not be the life of the party. We would be the ones to stay and help clean up.” These enterprising and thoughtfully strategic neighbors consistently rally to aid one another, to tackle challenges head-on, and to make Owatonna a better place for all. They go the extra mile, and this community is one that is worth the extra mile to experience.
North Star recognized a unique allure in Owatonna for those who venture just beyond the Twin Cities. That extra distance yields considerable rewards: a secure, family-oriented atmosphere, fertile ground for entrepreneurial endeavors, and a tight-knit community ethos where assistance is readily given, no questions asked. This additional journey along I-35 not only unveils a realm of opportunities and potentials but also embodies the spirit of its residents, who willingly extend themselves to enhance the collective welfare.
The tagline, “Where the Extra Mile Takes You,” draws inspiration from this ethos of always making extraordinary efforts. Going above and beyond for others or a common objective is ingrained in the fabric of daily life here, and this phrase enables Owatonna to convey these narratives to diverse audiences. It encapsulates the notion that Owatonna is a place where ambitions can be realized and tasks accomplished. Furthermore, it serves as a testament to their advantageous position for commerce and community alike. Ultimately, it positions the community as a coveted destination where individuals can attain the life or experiences they aspire to and rightfully deserve.